Sprinkler repair in Richardson

If you have a sprinkler system that needs to be repaired and are located in Richardson look no further.

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Sprinkler repair

Learn more about our Richardson sprinkler repair team

Common Sprinkler Repairs In Richardson

There are some of the most common sprinkler issues we see in Richardson that require the sprinkler system to be repaired

Broken head

Broken head

The most common sprinkler repair is a broken head. This usually happens when a car drives over it or just normal wear and tear.

Broken nozzle

Broken nozzle

The second most common sprinkler repair is a broken nozzle. This usually happens when debris get stuck or from a lawn mower.

Broken PVP pipe

Broken PVC pipe

PVC pipes usually break from the connections becoming loose over time or tree roots breaking the pipe.

Leaking or stuck valve

Leaking or stuck valve

Valves can become stuck over normal wear and tear or when a piece of debrie becomes stuck. This forces the valve to keep passing water.

Cut wire

Cut wire

Cut wires usually occur when doing landscape work or from tree roots slowly pulling the wire or connections loose.

Malfunctioning controller

Malfunctioning controller

Over time your sprinkler controller can start to malfunction causing one or possibly all the sprinkler zones not to work.

Our Richardson sprinkler repair results in numbers


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Years in business




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Richardson Recent Work Repairing Broken Sprinklers

Our past work repairing broken sprinklers in Richardson

What our Richardson clients say

Read about some of our happy customers experiences regarding their sprinkler repairs at their homes

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"Thorough job on my sprinkler repair. The technicians were skilled, and the repair was done with a keen eye for detail."


Richardson Customer
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"Appreciate the quick turnaround on my sprinkler repair. The team was professional, and the issue was resolved to my satisfaction."


Richardson Customer
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"Kudos to the team for their expertise in sprinkler repair. The service was efficient, and my system is now working perfectly."


Richardson Customer
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Frequently Asked Questions For Our Richardson Sprinkler Repair Customers

Learn more about the most commonly asked questions regarding sprinkler repair in Richardson from our past work

How do I know if my sprinkler system needs repair?

Watch out for signs such as uneven watering, low water pressure, or areas of your lawn not getting sufficient water. If you notice any of these issues, it's time to consider professional sprinkler repair services.

What are the common reasons for sprinkler system malfunctions?

Sprinkler systems may face issues due to clogged nozzles, damaged pipes, valve problems, or even electrical faults. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs can address these issues and ensure your system works efficiently.

How often should I schedule sprinkler system maintenance to prevent costly repairs?

Regular maintenance, ideally on an annual basis, can help identify and fix minor problems before they escalate. This proactive approach not only prevents unexpected breakdowns but also extends the lifespan of your sprinkler system.

What should I do if my sprinkler system is leaking or flooding my lawn?

A leaking or flooding sprinkler system requires immediate attention. Turn off the system, locate the source of the issue, and contact a professional sprinkler repair service to assess and fix the problem promptly. Delaying repairs can lead to water wastage and potential damage to your landscape.

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How often should I get my sprinkler system checked?

We recommend that you at least get your sprinkler system checked once a year around March. This is the time when people usually start using their sprinkler system after having it turned off for the winter. By having the system checked it helps ensure that there are no leaks and to ensure proper coverage for your landscape.

How do I turn off my water to the sprinkler system?

Turn off your sprinkler system at the backflow preventer. This is usually at your DCA, which is located normally in a green rectangular box located near your water meter. In order to turn it off you need to turn one of the two handles 90 degrees to shut off the water. It's best to try and do both if possible.

Do you install WiFi sprinkler controllers?

Yes, we do install WiFi controllers for sprinkler systems. We use Hunter Hydrawise controllers. You can operate the sprinkler system from your phone, tablet or computer. Learn more at https://www.hydrawise.com/

How do I make a sprinkler repair appointment?

You can call our office at 972-733-4343 or submit a form submission below.

All Services Offered

Richardson Local Events and Water Restrictions

Richardson Sprinkler Repair

Texas Waterboys is located in Carrollton, Texas. We have been serving the Richardson community, since 1986. We specialize in repairing broken sprinkler systems.

Richardson Area Local Events

Richardson Water Restrictions

Did you know that you have water restrictions regarding outdoor water use when using your sprinkler system? Find out when you are allowed to water!

Local Water Restrictions

Nearby Towns and Suburbs

Plano is to the north.

Garland is to the east.

Dallas is to the south.

Addison is to the south-west.

University Park is to the west.

Sachse is to the north-east.

Texas Waterboys Logo
Texas Waterboys Logo

Richardson Zip Codes We Service

75080, 75081, 75082

History of Richardson

Roots in the Rich Soil (Mid-19th Century):

  • Settlement Symphony: Richardson's melody began in the mid-1800s as families like the Owens, Galatins, and Clarks forged homes on the canvas of the fertile blackland soil.
  • Cotton Fields and Farmsteads: Agriculture, with a serenade of cotton, painted the town's early economic landscape.

Railroad Tracks and Town Plots (1870s):

  • Rhythmic Arrival: The harmonious arrival of the Houston and Texas Central Railway in 1872 was a crescendo in Richardson's development, orchestrating economic growth and trade.
  • Townsite Overture: The railroad's overture led to the plating of Richardson in 1873, composing the town's musical foundation.

Incorporation Waltz and Town's Crescendo (1925):

  • Formal Incorporation Dance: Richardson took the formal step of incorporation in 1925, a stately dance that marked a new movement in its development.
  • Harmony of Establishment: Schools, businesses, and community services joined the symphony, creating a vibrant town ensemble.

Adapting Notes and Economic Crescendos (20th Century):

  • Depression's Dissonance: Richardson faced dissonance during the Great Depression, requiring a resilient tune to weather economic storms.
  • Economic Refrain: A mid-20th-century refrain brought an evolution from agrarian pursuits to a diversified economy, setting the stage for Richardson's technological future.

Telecom Corridor Sonata (1960s-1970s):

  • Economic Movement: The Telecom Corridor, born in the 1960s and 1970s, played a sonata of transformation, turning Richardson into a technological and business hub.
  • Corporate Instruments: Major technology companies, including Texas Instruments, tuned into Richardson, contributing to an economic crescendo.

Educational Cadence and Innovation Symphony:

  • Educational Crescendo: The University of Texas at Dallas, conducting its first note in 1969, became a vital instrument fostering innovation and research.
  • Innovation Orchestra: Richardson embraced technological innovation, weaving it into the fabric of the city's identity.

Modern Richardson: A Harmonious Blend:

  • Vibrant Crescendo: Today, Richardson's symphony is vibrant and diverse, blending residential, commercial, and technological movements.
  • Parks, Arts, and Community Serenades: Parks, cultural amenities, and community events compose harmonies that resonate throughout the city.

Economic Diversity and Technological Overture:

  • Economic Ensemble: Richardson's economic ensemble continues to diversify, attracting a medley of businesses and industries.
  • Technological Overture: The Telecom Corridor remains a key player, and the city harmonizes with technological advancements.

Community Services Symphony:

  • Services Crescendo: Richardson's community services, including schools, public safety, and recreational facilities, create a symphony of support for residents.

Conclusion:Richardson's melody, from the plowshares of early settlers to the silicon prairie of today, echoes adaptability and resilience. The town's history is a rich composition, blending agrarian rhythms with the pulsating beats of technological innovation. As Richardson continues its journey, the symphony of progress plays on, creating a harmonious future on the canvas of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.

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